October 2019 Seminar

CIES SEMINAR - Dr. Guney Olgun

Thursday, October 3, 2019
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
124 Butler-Carlton (Civil Engineering) Hall

PRESENTER: DR. guney olgun
ASSistant professor, DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, architectural and environmental ENGINEERING

Topic: "The Use of Energy Piles for Shallow Geothermal Energy"

Abstract:  Energy piles are becoming an increasingly popular method of economically and efficiently accessing shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling buildings. Energy piles are deep foundation elements integrated with fluid circulation tubes, which allow them to serve as a heat exchanger element in addition to their traditional structural support functionality. Energy piles have been primarily used for building heating and cooling. However, their use in non-traditional applications such as bridge deck deicing is being explored. This presentation focuses on the operational principles of heat exchanger piles, geotechnical design challenges and findings from recent research. Observations and results from a series of field tests on the utilization of energy piles for bridge deck deicing will also be presented. Additional discussions will include the use of heat exchanger systems and new materials in the building envelope for energy management as well as potential applications of shallow geothermal energy in green house heating and grain drying.