Dr. Sanjay Kumar Madria


Sanjay Kumar Madria received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India in 1995. He is a Curators Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly, University of Missouri-Rolla), USA. Earlier he was Visiting faculty in the Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA. He has published more than 250+ Journal and conference papers in the areas of mobile computing, sensor networks, security, cloud computing, etc. He has graduated 45 students which includes 12 PhDs. He won five IEEE best paper awards in conferences including IEEE SRDS 2015, IEEE MDM in 2011 and 2012. He recently co-authored a "Secure Sensor Cloud" book based on his 10 years of research in this area, published by Morgan-Claypool in 2018. He earlier co-authored another book entitled "Web Data Management: A Warehouse Approach" published by Springer-verlag in 2004. He was founding program chair for EC&WEB conference series. He served as a general co-chair of Mobile Data Management conference in 2010, IEEE Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Systems in 2012 and PC co-chair of MDM 2015. He serves in steering committees of IEEE SRDS, IEEE MDM and BDA series of conferences. He is serving/served as PC member of various conferences such as VLDB, MDM, CIKM, ICDCS, and reviewer for many reputed journals such as IEEE TKDE, IEEE Computer, ACM Internet Computing, IEEE TMC, IEEE TSC, etc. Dr. Madria has given tutorials on different areas such as mobile data management, secure sensor cloud, and big data management for smart city applications in many international conferences like Middleware, MDM and SRDS. He is a regular invited panelist in NSF, NSERC (Canada), Hong Kong Research Council and Sweden Council of Research. He received faculty excellence award six times from his university (in years 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015, 2017), Japanese Society for Promotion of Science invitational fellowship in 2006, and Air Force Research Lab's visiting faculty fellowship from 2008 to 2018. He was honored with NRC fellowship in 2012-2013, and 2018-2019 by National Academies. His research is supported by multiple grants from several agencies such as NSF, DOE, NIST, AFRL, ARO, ARL, ORNL, UM research board and from industries such as Boeing and Honeywell. He is IEEE Senior Member, served as IEEE Distinguished speaker, and currently, he is a speaker under ACM Distinguished Visitor program. He is a ACM Distinguished Scientist, and an IEEE Golden Core Awardee.